The Home Builders Federation (HBF) has expressed support for Government’s steps to tackle the constraints of housing delivery in an industry statement published today, Tuesday 30 July.

The statement, which has been signed by more than 30 home builders, comes in response to the Deputy Prime Minister, Angela Raynor’s statement in the House of Commons outlining proposed planning reforms, including the reintroduction of mandatory local housing targets and releasing of ‘grey belt’ land.

In the statement, the home building industry says it ‘stands ready to’ deliver high-quality and affordable homes at pace, provide skilled jobs and contribute to economic growth.

LIS Show – MPU

The statement also makes clear that a range of different actors, including mortgage lenders, housing associations and councils will need to come to together and support the government’s very ambitious housing targets.

Setting out the scale of the challenge, signatories point to the headwinds affecting housing supply today, including a lack of affordable mortgage finance for prospective first-time buyers, nutrient neutrality restrictions holding up the delivery of 160,000 new homes and a lack of capacity in the housing association sector which is making it increasingly difficult for to find providers to acquire and manage new social and affordable homes.

Neil Jefferson, Chief Executive at the Home Builders Federation says:Today represents the first and most important step ministers have taken in addressing the barriers to delivering new homes.

“The scale of the government’s housing ambition has given hope to the home building industry that stands ready to increase supply and tackle the country’s housing shortage.

“The planning system has long failed to provide the amount of land needed to address affordability pressures, but in recent years the elimination of housing targets has led to housing supply plummeting. A reformed, more progressive planning system that requires local authorities to meet their communities’ housing needs is a major step forward to address the barriers to delivery.

“The housing market is complex and bringing more land through the planning system will help to turn around ailing housing supply provided affordable mortgage finance can be accessed and buyers are able to purchase new homes.”

The house builder statement can be read in full on HBF’s website.

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