Conservative Party

  • Building Targets: Commit to building 300,000 homes annually by the mid-2020s.
  • Home Ownership: Extend the Right to Buy scheme to housing association tenants.
  • Planning Reforms: Simplify and accelerate the planning process.
  • Affordable Housing: Increase the number of affordable homes in new developments.


Labour Party

LIS Show – MPU
  • House Building: Pledge to construct 1.5 million new homes over the next decade.
  • Renters’ Rights: Introduce rent controls and enhance tenant protections.
  • Public Housing: Significantly expand council housing.
  • Green Homes: Retrofit existing homes for energy efficiency.


Liberal Democrats

  • Housing Supply: Aim for 300,000 new homes per year, including 100,000 social homes.
  • First-Time Buyers: Implement rent-to-own schemes.
  • Environmental Focus: Ensure new homes are zero-carbon by 2025.
  • Empty Homes: Bring vacant homes back into use.


Green Party

  • Sustainable Housing: Prioritize building energy-efficient, zero-carbon homes.
  • Rent Control: Implement rent controls for affordability.
  • Public Housing: Expand social housing stock.
  • Community-Led Housing: Support community-led housing initiatives.


SNP (Scottish National Party)

  • Affordable Housing: Deliver 110,000 affordable homes by 2032.
  • Rent Controls: Introduce a national rent control system.
  • Homelessness: Enhance support services to reduce homelessness.
  • Energy Efficiency: Focus on energy efficiency improvements for existing homes.


Plaid Cymru

  • Welsh Housing: Ensure 50,000 new social and affordable homes in Wales.
  • First-Time Buyers: Provide grants and support for first-time buyers.
  • Sustainable Homes: Emphasize environmentally friendly construction.
  • Renting Sector: Strengthen tenant rights and introduce rent controls.


DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)

  • House Building: Increase social and affordable housing in Northern Ireland.
  • Home Ownership: Promote first-time buyer assistance schemes.
  • Planning System: Reform planning to encourage development.
  • Energy Efficiency: Support retrofitting homes for energy efficiency.


Reform Party

  • Planning System Review: Fast-track planning and tax incentives for brownfield site development. Implement ‘loose fit planning’ for large residential projects with pre-approved guidelines.
  • Social Housing Law Reform: Prioritize housing for local residents and those who have contributed to the system, placing foreign nationals lower on the priority list.
  • Scrap Section 24 for Landlords: Repeal the restriction on landlords deducting finance costs and mortgage interest from tax on rental income to encourage small landlords.
  • Abolish Renters’ (Reform) Bill: Enhance monitoring and enforcement instead of existing legislation, focusing on addressing bad practices among landlords.
  • Leaseholder Protection: Ensure transparency and consent for charges, enforce Section 106 agreements, and make it easier and cheaper to extend leases and buy freeholds.
  • Incentivize New Construction Technology: Promote modular construction, digital technology, and efficient building practices to speed up housing development and reduce waste.

Each party’s housing policies reflect their broader political philosophies, from market-driven solutions and homeownership incentives to social housing expansion and tenant protections. The Reform Party emphasizes quick fixes and systemic changes to accelerate housing development and address landlord concerns.

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