This is a summary of the Autumn Budget and Spending Review Submission 2024 (12 September 2024) submitted by the National Housing Federation:

Housing associations are crucial in their communities, supporting growth, public services, and energy efficiency efforts across the UK. They already contribute significantly to affordable housing, with a track record of building homes, improving energy efficiency, and reducing welfare costs. For every £1 of public funding, they unlock £4 of private investment, and they save residents and the government billions annually.

Key recommendations:

LIS Show – MPU
  1. Mission: Kickstart Growth (1.5m New Homes)
    • A 10-year rent settlement with annual CPI+1% rent increases to boost capacity.
    • Expanding and boosting the Affordable Homes Programme (AHP), including funding for social rent and shared ownership.
    • A long-term AHP with at least £4.6bn per year from 2026.
    • Adjustments to welfare systems and changes to the Economic Crime Levy for housing associations.
  2. Mission: Safe and Decent Homes
    • Equal access to the Building Safety Fund and Cladding Safety Scheme for social landlords.
    • Removal of VAT on building safety works and energy-saving materials.
    • Development of a £2bn per year Social Housing Investment Fund for safety, decency, and decarbonization.
  3. Mission: Clean Energy Superpower (Warm Homes Plan)
    • Expanding Wave 3 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund in line with the Warm Homes Plan.
    • Supporting heat pump and heat network installations and implementing the National Infrastructure Commission’s recommendations.
  4. Mission: Build an NHS Fit for the Future
    • Emergency revenue funding for local authorities for housing-related support.
    • Long-term funding of at least £1.6bn per year for supported housing.
    • Reinstating the £300m Housing Transformation Fund.
    • Committing to build 167,000 more supported homes by 2040.

These measures aim to deliver affordable housing growth, enhance public services, and drive energy efficiency, safety, and decarbonization efforts.

The full review can be seen here

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